Friday, May 7, 2010

Group work - three blocks of effective teamwork

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Without doubt, teams working together can produce a better result than any one individual working in isolation. In many ways, anything of real significance can only be achieved through teams. While there may be someone who is attributed with a great breakthrough, the reality is that they generally have many teams of people who help them to achieve the great results.

So if teams are so vital to achieving great results, what are 3 common blocks that Stop-teams to work effectively?

Block 1: personal ego

We all want a more or less pay for what we do and achieve results that are recognized. The problem is that the ego personality becomes important as the results, people take decisions and actions that begin:

Are in their own interest
Protect your reputation or status
Could not in the best interest of the team, organization or results
If you want to increase orcreate effective teamwork, you must focus on results, not ego.

Block 2: Assumptions

One of the real advantages of teams is the diversity of views and experiences they bring themselves to specific challenges. The value of the services can be significantly reduced if individuals on the basis of other assumptions to begin making their professional discipline. For example, when people think of their marketing, perhaps their first assumption is that theyall creatives. In reality, a lot of people who work in marketing do things like research, which is very much analytical. Similarly, one might assume that accountants are only interested in money, when in truth most are really interested in business. After all, financial reports are merely a representation of what is, and what is not, happening in business in a common currency called money.

Block 3: Not creating underlying conditions

A house is built on strong foundations. A team is no different. If you don't create strong underlying conditions or foundations, a team will not create as good results. Think about it, teams need a clear purpose, roles need defining, trust needs to be built, views need to be expressed, to name just a few. If one or many of these underlying conditions is lacking, it is going to impact on results.

The Bottom Line

Teams don't deliver great results by chance. So what blocks do you need to start addressing to deliver great team results?


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