Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Itchyworms - Love Team
mcfit Allstars vs. FC Bayern München - Part 2/10
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Zone Blocking For Youth Football Teams
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There are many differences between youth football players and College, Pro and High School players. To say the difference is night and day would not do justice to how different they are. It would be like the differences in the beauty of Miss America and the 1,000 pound bearded lady at the State Fair.
College, Pro and even High School players practice 6 days a week and play their games on a 7th day. Most of these guys practice 20-30 hours each week, youth football teams practice from 4-8 hours every week. Pro, College and High School players have played the game for 7-25 years, they have the basics down, they know the game. Youth football players have 1-2 years of experience and many youth teams are made up of a majority of kids that have never played before. Most youth football players don't know the difference between a 3 technique and a footstool. Pro, College and High School kids are 16-35 years old, they can move faster, control their bodies better and retain and process much more information than youth football players. Pro, College and High School teams cut weak players, they are the best of the best. The pros and college teams cut kids every day that were the best players in their respective youth and High School teams. Even the High Schools cut weaker players, they also send weaker kids to JV or Reserve teams.
Pro, College and even some High School players are being taught by coaches that coach for a living. Most devote 50-70 hour weeks to learning their craft and most have 10-15 years of experience playing the game. This compares to the amount of experience and time a youth coach can spend on developing himself as a coach, which for most doesn't even allow for the time to go to a single weekend coaches clinic or the purchase of a single Coaching Book or DVD. The difference in the levels of coaching expertise is just huge, yet a youth coach with no experience with complex zone blocking is going to teach it to others?
In a nutshell Pro, College and even most High School teams are made up of great players athletically compared to the typical youth football player that will never play High School football let alone even sniff at College or Pro Football. Youth teams are made up of a very limited amount of players, you cant send the kids down to JV, Reserve or Frosh teams, and you can't cut them. In fact you are going to play them, some probably will even start on your offensive line. While I have been blessed with talent on some of my teams, others had offensive lines that looked like the characters from the "Land of Misfit Toys."
By the time the youth kids get to High School, most of the real weak players have already quit playing, realizing football is just not their game. But today on your youth football team, these kids are still playing, still trying to figure out how to play and if this is their game. At the youth level in most leagues, everyone has to play some and most often you are going to have some unathletic players playing offensive line. Thast playing, not being cut or sent down to another team.
Pro, College and High School teams are not required to play all their kids, most youth teams do require you play everyone at least for a handful of plays. These less athletic kids are then playing a postion that greatly impacts every single play (offensive line) and they are going to zone block? Okay, that's great if I'm the defensive coordinator of the other team, but terrible if I'm the running back or the dad of the poor running back on the zone blocking team.
This is how perfectly good youth football players get soured on the game and quit and become part of the 70% of youth players that never play a down of High School football. It's a real shame and is the main reason I wrote the book, do all the clinics and developed the DVDs. Too many good kids get run off of playing football by poor coaches and terrible schemes, no wonder so many High School and Youth Football programs have love/hate relationships.
On the technical side, the zone schemes cornerstone is the "combo" block, where the offensive linemen gets an initial push on a defensive linemen, then comes off the block once good movement has been made, to then block a linebacker. This block mind you is blocked based on the type of defensive front the offensive linemen sees and can recognize, often involving line calls. This would be quite a lot to ask from a 9 year old youth player maybe playing his first game. Most kids that age are still struggling to figure out how to make a sound drive block on a player within 1 foot of them and making sure they remember to block on offense and tackle on defense.
Most High School teams can't even zone block well with Spring Football, year round football workouts, excellent offensive line coaches and 6 days a week practice. And you are going to do it successfully with youth players? With team sizes of 24-25 for many teams, your worst athletes are playing offensive line. So you are going to ask this weaker player to recognize the front correctly, make the right line call, make an effective double team block, get movement on a double team block, spy the linebacker at the same time, then know when to peel off at the exact right time and block the speedy and strong linebacker "in space" on the run on the same play?
So one of your least athletic kids is going to spy and track down and block in open space the other teams fastest and most athletic player (linebacker) after engaging another linemen? Wow that will be quite an accomplishment akin to building an atomic bomb out of a few leftover juice cans and some old mothballs, good luck pulling that all off. If you can teach that at the youth level, you have a Select Football team, should be playing in the National Championship game and as a coach should be coaching O-Line in the NFL. Zone blocking takes GREAT coaching, lots of time, excellent athletic linemen and savy smart experienced football players that can recognize fronts and have impeccable timing, none of which is in abundance at the youth football level.
Simple rule blocking using angles and overwhelming numbers in limited space is what works within the constraints of youth football and is what we teach in the book and DVDs. Zone blocking will fail and frustrate the kids and coaches. It did not surprise me that this zone blocking suggestion came from one of those one-dimensional fails-every-time youth coaches that uses such failed and useless tactics like "attack the center". Probably uses the famous "Hit Somebody" phrase and runs kids to death in football practice, then wonders why his teams can't win any games.
No doubt when this guys team loses, he's the one that blames it all on a lack of talent (every year) or "the kids just didn't want it bad enough". Geez I tire of these kind of guys, they ruin so many kids and teams. Unfortunately we see too many coaches like that in our game and is one of the main reasons over 70% of youth football players never go on to play High School football, it's a shame to see.
When coaching youth football, it's your job to pick out a scheme that will work with the talent levels, athleticism, maturity, practice time and coaching ability you have available. Playing a youth football team trying to zone block would be like shooting fish in a barrel, the poor running backs, the horror, the horror.
For 150 free youth football coaching tips and coaching ideas, please stop here: Coaching Youth Football
The Little League Team Parents Meeting: A Must for The Youth Baseball Coach
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Each year I organize a parents meeting approximately two to four weeks before the start of the season. I prepare a handout of approximately three or four pages. Included is a list of the team with phone numbers and certain philosophies and organizational items.
People might say, "Well this is only youth baseball, it's not high school." This is true, but I have learned over the years that a parents meeting will make for a better run season for the kids, the parents and the coach. The meeting should not go more than ten or fifteen minutes. I leave a fair amount of time for a question and answer period.
I make this meeting a requirement for all parents. I try to lay out my goals and express to the parents about how I run my practices. Also, I tell them that players have to arrive at games 30 minutes before they start and if they cannot make a game, they must call me. It is very important that I let the parents understand I know their busy schedules and that as a coach you go through the same thing with ballet, karate, soccer, car pools, school work, etc.
Probably the most important point I go over is that because of my own busy schedule, I cannot run a taxi service for any players. Parents must be at practice five minutes before it ends. When I first began to coach, I never addressed this and after each practice I had a car full of players to drop off. As coaches, this cannot be part of our jobs for more reasons than one.
I also address any complaints parents may have during the season. I developed a standard policy of not taking any complaints for at least five games. This cuts down on a lot of phone calls and most of the times a complaint by a parent about playing time is taken care of by the sixth game.
Since I began doing this, I have had only a handful of complaints for a whole season in about the last eight years. When I first started coaching, I would go home after the game and there would be two or three messages on my answering machine.
As a coach, there are a lot of responsibilities and I try to cut down on the phone calls as much as possible. One system a lot of people use is the phone chain. This is effective only some of the time. Another system I use which is similar is the buddy system.
At the beginning of each year I ask for a couple of parent volunteers to help with the phone calls. Then I assign each player a buddy. So if there are twelve kids on the team, there are six pairs of buddies. The first thing I tell them is that if there is any question on practice time or location, call their buddy before they call me. And if their buddy isn't home, call someone else on the team list.
If it is raining, I call my two phone volunteers and divide the calls in half. Remember, each player has a buddy so they should never make more than three calls and maybe a call back to me. Any system you try isn't full proof and during the course of the season you can expect your share of calls.
There can be a whole lot of things to address at this meeting. Each coach might have their own pet peeve to discuss. The most important thing is to make sure you have each of the points you want to bring up in writing. This way, you are sure to touch on the points most important to you.
Remember, you are volunteering your time and you have a right to make the season run as smooth as possible for yourself, and that's the way you want it to be for your team as well.
Soccer Drills
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Soccer is a very popular sport that is played in different countries. Soccer is also called as football. There are people who play the game as a profession and others like to play it just for the fun of it. People of all age groups love to play this game.
The game of soccer consists of rules that are easy to follow and the requirements that it has are also nominal. The skill that is essential to play soccer is that to control the ball. Legs have a major part to play in soccer. Kicking the ball, dribbling are the major movements when playing this game. The goalkeeper has a different role to play in the game. He should possess some other skills.
There are certain courses that are available in order to build of the skills of playing soccer. This is called as soccer drills. There are various parts of soccer drills. It can be during practice sessions, when kids are playing soccer, a game by professionals etc. These are an important part of soccer.
Soccer drills can be dribbling, heading, shooting; passing the ball etc. the better the soccer drills are done there would definitely be an improvement in the game of soccer. Goal keeping, communication, ball control, aggression, spreading out, transition, warm ups are all part of the soccer drill.
When playing soccer it is advisable to take up a course in soccer drill, as they would train you the best to play soccer. Such a drill can be taken up by anybody and of any age group. Soccer is a game that does not require any big built person playing it. So it can be played by even kids of any age group. Some kids start at a very early age.
Most of the coaches would recommend a soccer drill before playing a game of soccer. This does not mean that you have to take up a soccer drill only if you are playing it professionally. You can also take it up when playing casually with your friends.
Soccer being a game which is played all over the world by many people needs to be practiced. Obtaining certain essential skills will help to succeed when playing the game. Thus, taking up certain soccer drills would be a good choice to make any person fit and improve his skills in the game of soccer. There are many people who teach soccer drills. You can choose them to develop your skills in this amazing game.
Monday, March 29, 2010
World Cup Goalkeepers - Roberto Carlos Abbondanzieri
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Roberto Abbondanzieri, 33 years old, succeeded Pablo Cavallero as Argentina's number one after being given a chance by coach Jose Pekerman and has thrived in the spotlight since. Popularly known as El Pato or "The Duck", Abbondanzieri's professional debut took off in 1994 with Rosario Central, with whom he played until 1997. He then moved to Boca Juniors as their reserve goalkeeper. He trained in the shadow of Oscar Cordoba until February 2002 when Cordoba moved to Italian Perugia.
Abbondanzieri won the World Club Cup with Boca Juniors in 2000 and 2003. Since then, Abbondanzieri has become a permanent feature in Boca's goal and in June 2004, he became the goalkeeper for the Argentine team at the age of 31, which is quite unusual. As they say, it is better late than never.
On May 6, 2006, he was named as a definite squad member for the 2006 World Cup by Pekerman. Having represented the country on 19 occasions, Abbondanzieri has been a regular for Argentina over two years and was named the South American Goalkeeper of the Year in 2003.
Abbondanzieri has however, been hit earlier this year with a poor run and is hoping to put it behind him when he lines up for Argentina in the World Cup finals. At one point, the goalkeeping position of the Argentina squad had come to be viewed as the weak link in a side brimming with talented outfield players. Abbondanzieri said he has been in the national team for more than two years and never understood why the fans always went for the goalkeeper when there were other players and areas to analyze. This was made worse by the fact that he let in 6 goals in 2 warm-up matches against England and Croatia.
With such a negative perception, the pressure on Abbondanzieri must have been great. In such a situation, mental training is a must. For without such training, the confidence of anyone under such stress would surely be affected.
However, coach Pekerman has been reported saying that this was no longer the case and that Argentina would be going into the World Cup with a well-rounded team, capable of rising to the occasion. Abbondanzieri helped Boca Juniors win the Argentine Championship for the second year running in May this year.
Soccer Goalie dropkicks player
Sunday, March 28, 2010
2009 World Pro BJJ Cup Under 85kg Final: Tarsis Humphreys vs. Victor Estima
ჱܓDirty Dancing "She's Like The Wind" by Patrick Swayze (1987) ჱܓ
Zone Blocking For Youth Football Teams
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There are many differences between youth football players and College, Pro and High School players. To say the difference is night and day would not do justice to how different they are. It would be like the differences in the beauty of Miss America and the 1,000 pound bearded lady at the State Fair.
College, Pro and even High School players practice 6 days a week and play their games on a 7th day. Most of these guys practice 20-30 hours each week, youth football teams practice from 4-8 hours every week. Pro, College and High School players have played the game for 7-25 years, they have the basics down, they know the game. Youth football players have 1-2 years of experience and many youth teams are made up of a majority of kids that have never played before. Most youth football players don't know the difference between a 3 technique and a footstool. Pro, College and High School kids are 16-35 years old, they can move faster, control their bodies better and retain and process much more information than youth football players. Pro, College and High School teams cut weak players, they are the best of the best. The pros and college teams cut kids every day that were the best players in their respective youth and High School teams. Even the High Schools cut weaker players, they also send weaker kids to JV or Reserve teams.
Pro, College and even some High School players are being taught by coaches that coach for a living. Most devote 50-70 hour weeks to learning their craft and most have 10-15 years of experience playing the game. This compares to the amount of experience and time a youth coach can spend on developing himself as a coach, which for most doesn't even allow for the time to go to a single weekend coaches clinic or the purchase of a single Coaching Book or DVD. The difference in the levels of coaching expertise is just huge, yet a youth coach with no experience with complex zone blocking is going to teach it to others?
In a nutshell Pro, College and even most High School teams are made up of great players athletically compared to the typical youth football player that will never play High School football let alone even sniff at College or Pro Football. Youth teams are made up of a very limited amount of players, you cant send the kids down to JV, Reserve or Frosh teams, and you can't cut them. In fact you are going to play them, some probably will even start on your offensive line. While I have been blessed with talent on some of my teams, others had offensive lines that looked like the characters from the "Land of Misfit Toys."
By the time the youth kids get to High School, most of the real weak players have already quit playing, realizing football is just not their game. But today on your youth football team, these kids are still playing, still trying to figure out how to play and if this is their game. At the youth level in most leagues, everyone has to play some and most often you are going to have some unathletic players playing offensive line. Thast playing, not being cut or sent down to another team.
Pro, College and High School teams are not required to play all their kids, most youth teams do require you play everyone at least for a handful of plays. These less athletic kids are then playing a postion that greatly impacts every single play (offensive line) and they are going to zone block? Okay, that's great if I'm the defensive coordinator of the other team, but terrible if I'm the running back or the dad of the poor running back on the zone blocking team.
This is how perfectly good youth football players get soured on the game and quit and become part of the 70% of youth players that never play a down of High School football. It's a real shame and is the main reason I wrote the book, do all the clinics and developed the DVDs. Too many good kids get run off of playing football by poor coaches and terrible schemes, no wonder so many High School and Youth Football programs have love/hate relationships.
On the technical side, the zone schemes cornerstone is the "combo" block, where the offensive linemen gets an initial push on a defensive linemen, then comes off the block once good movement has been made, to then block a linebacker. This block mind you is blocked based on the type of defensive front the offensive linemen sees and can recognize, often involving line calls. This would be quite a lot to ask from a 9 year old youth player maybe playing his first game. Most kids that age are still struggling to figure out how to make a sound drive block on a player within 1 foot of them and making sure they remember to block on offense and tackle on defense.
Most High School teams can't even zone block well with Spring Football, year round football workouts, excellent offensive line coaches and 6 days a week practice. And you are going to do it successfully with youth players? With team sizes of 24-25 for many teams, your worst athletes are playing offensive line. So you are going to ask this weaker player to recognize the front correctly, make the right line call, make an effective double team block, get movement on a double team block, spy the linebacker at the same time, then know when to peel off at the exact right time and block the speedy and strong linebacker "in space" on the run on the same play?
So one of your least athletic kids is going to spy and track down and block in open space the other teams fastest and most athletic player (linebacker) after engaging another linemen? Wow that will be quite an accomplishment akin to building an atomic bomb out of a few leftover juice cans and some old mothballs, good luck pulling that all off. If you can teach that at the youth level, you have a Select Football team, should be playing in the National Championship game and as a coach should be coaching O-Line in the NFL. Zone blocking takes GREAT coaching, lots of time, excellent athletic linemen and savy smart experienced football players that can recognize fronts and have impeccable timing, none of which is in abundance at the youth football level.
Simple rule blocking using angles and overwhelming numbers in limited space is what works within the constraints of youth football and is what we teach in the book and DVDs. Zone blocking will fail and frustrate the kids and coaches. It did not surprise me that this zone blocking suggestion came from one of those one-dimensional fails-every-time youth coaches that uses such failed and useless tactics like "attack the center". Probably uses the famous "Hit Somebody" phrase and runs kids to death in football practice, then wonders why his teams can't win any games.
No doubt when this guys team loses, he's the one that blames it all on a lack of talent (every year) or "the kids just didn't want it bad enough". Geez I tire of these kind of guys, they ruin so many kids and teams. Unfortunately we see too many coaches like that in our game and is one of the main reasons over 70% of youth football players never go on to play High School football, it's a shame to see.
When coaching youth football, it's your job to pick out a scheme that will work with the talent levels, athleticism, maturity, practice time and coaching ability you have available. Playing a youth football team trying to zone block would be like shooting fish in a barrel, the poor running backs, the horror, the horror.
For 150 free youth football coaching tips and coaching ideas, please stop here: Coaching Youth Football
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Premier League - The Best League in Europe
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Season 2007-2008 saw three of the four semi finalists of the Champions League come from the English Premier League. The other team that was represented from the Premier League was knocked out at the quarter final stage but only by Liverpool, a team from the Premier League! This surely is the proof that the Premier League is without doubt the best league in Europe.
In England people are even stating that as many as six teams from its Premier League should be able to enter into the Champions League as they believe that the majority of the top teams from the rest of Europe would struggle to compete in the Premier League. Where would teams such as Barcelona, Real Madrid, Inter Milan, AC Milan, Bayern Munich and Porto finish in the Premier League if they were to be admitted next season? I would predict that at least one of them would be relegated.
It is not all rosy in the world of English football. The national side has failed to qualify for the upcoming European Football Championship which is a great shame. In a strange way it could actually turn into an advantage as it will give the team longer to prepare for the more important World Cup of 2010. I personally would prefer to be able to watch England this summer as I am confident that the team would be one of the favourites to win the tournament. Poor management from the previous coach Steve McLaren and his backroom staff certainly cost us dear.
The Premier League is likely to only become stronger in the future however managers of the likes of Jose Mourinho (Inter Milan) are sure to want to make an impact.
Teams such as Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, Everton, Tottenham, Manchester City, Newcastle and Aston Villa would prove too strong for many of the major teams from other European countries.
Friday, March 26, 2010
World Cup Football
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The FIFA World Cup is very important in the world of international football, also known as soccer. The World Cup is contested by the men's national football teams of FIFA member nations and is awarded every 4 years. There have been 17 tournaments held to date, but only 7 nations have won the World Cup Finals. The nation of Brazil holds the cup currently and have won the cup a total of 5 times making them the leading team. The next World Cup Finals will be held in Germany where Germany holds 3 titles.
In 1872 the first international football match was played between England and Scotland. In the beginning of the sport there were never medals awarded. It was called a demonstration sport and was played at the Olympics.
In 1909 the game was finally played for a trophy and was organized by Sir Thomas Lipton. That game is often referred to a the first World Cup. The title was won by West Auckland. They won again in 1911.
In 1914 FIFA recognized the tournament as "world football for amateurs". This how things led to the first intercontinental football competition in 1924 at the summer Olympics. Uruguay won the tournament. In 1928 FIFA came up with their own international tournament.
Because football was not very popular in the united states it was not part of the program for the 1932 Olympics held in Los Angeles.
Effective Teams
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Cultural boundaries today have been minimised to a great degree as we notice the different global faces around us in our work environment. Diversity is of great interest to organisations today and for many organisations today cultural diversity quotas are set to raise a company's image and value.
To many individuals cultural diversity could slow down a progress of any team. However, it is an individual's attitude towards his/her responsibilities, their maturity and motivation that forms a strong team. In addition, it is important to share the same goals which are challenging, yet realistic and achievable. Teams with diverse backgrounds form their foundations through comfort at the initial stages. It is in periods of high stress situations that a teams personalities start to evolve. Dominant, active and stubborn personalities start leading the groups and weaker members withdraw themselves from core responsibilities.
Many teams are able to work in perfect harmony; however, these working conditions are always short lived until the more aggressive members self-appoint themselves as leaders in the playing field. In many cases, there is more than one aggressive member on a team which leads to conflicts when each holds its ground. It is important though to maintain stability within a team and keep the working climate pleasant in order to achieve team goals, which is where a mediator's effectiveness is important in order for teams to be constructively assertive and work collaboratively.
In addition, to aggressive, dominant members it is also common to find regular slackers in a team who tend to withdraw themselves from the team and their responsibilities. These types of members only become apparent once internal deadlines are not met within a team. It highly recommended addressing the issue earlier on rather than later when solutions are not so evident and motivation levels are difficult to rise. Furthermore, many teams also form sub groups, which are mostly emotional support groups and weaker members are never included or invited to be a part of. Hence, emotional damage is often a reaction to a withdrawing team member and a team must in accordance to avoid such situations from arising.
Behaviour is a function of individuals and situations, therefore, for any group to function effectively and efficiently, it needs to have its members proceed through the following stages of: initiation, seeking and offering information, clarifying objectives, conclusion and group consensus.
In conclusion, as much as it is an experience worthwhile to be part of an effective team it is more exciting building and strengthening one. It is through this experience we learn the numerous issues that may arise related to group processes namely, decision-making. However, research through observations has found that the differences in personalities and goals are the root cause of the development of conflict in any group at any given stage. It is also unlikely for extremely independent and stubborn personalities to co-exist without any conflict. Nonetheless, communication is vital in improving the functioning of a team. In addition, clear team goals need to be defined and agreed upon and most importantly, every member needs to feel as if they are an integral part of the team.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hooligans Untold Story - Part 6
Effective Teams
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Cultural boundaries today have been minimised to a great degree as we notice the different global faces around us in our work environment. Diversity is of great interest to organisations today and for many organisations today cultural diversity quotas are set to raise a company's image and value.
To many individuals cultural diversity could slow down a progress of any team. However, it is an individual's attitude towards his/her responsibilities, their maturity and motivation that forms a strong team. In addition, it is important to share the same goals which are challenging, yet realistic and achievable. Teams with diverse backgrounds form their foundations through comfort at the initial stages. It is in periods of high stress situations that a teams personalities start to evolve. Dominant, active and stubborn personalities start leading the groups and weaker members withdraw themselves from core responsibilities.
Many teams are able to work in perfect harmony; however, these working conditions are always short lived until the more aggressive members self-appoint themselves as leaders in the playing field. In many cases, there is more than one aggressive member on a team which leads to conflicts when each holds its ground. It is important though to maintain stability within a team and keep the working climate pleasant in order to achieve team goals, which is where a mediator's effectiveness is important in order for teams to be constructively assertive and work collaboratively.
In addition, to aggressive, dominant members it is also common to find regular slackers in a team who tend to withdraw themselves from the team and their responsibilities. These types of members only become apparent once internal deadlines are not met within a team. It highly recommended addressing the issue earlier on rather than later when solutions are not so evident and motivation levels are difficult to rise. Furthermore, many teams also form sub groups, which are mostly emotional support groups and weaker members are never included or invited to be a part of. Hence, emotional damage is often a reaction to a withdrawing team member and a team must in accordance to avoid such situations from arising.
Behaviour is a function of individuals and situations, therefore, for any group to function effectively and efficiently, it needs to have its members proceed through the following stages of: initiation, seeking and offering information, clarifying objectives, conclusion and group consensus.
In conclusion, as much as it is an experience worthwhile to be part of an effective team it is more exciting building and strengthening one. It is through this experience we learn the numerous issues that may arise related to group processes namely, decision-making. However, research through observations has found that the differences in personalities and goals are the root cause of the development of conflict in any group at any given stage. It is also unlikely for extremely independent and stubborn personalities to co-exist without any conflict. Nonetheless, communication is vital in improving the functioning of a team. In addition, clear team goals need to be defined and agreed upon and most importantly, every member needs to feel as if they are an integral part of the team.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Portuguese Soccer
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The Portuguese soccer national team (FPF), the Selecção (selection), is one of the strongest national teams in European football. Unfortunately, neither the Portuguese Soccer national team or any of the club teams have so far managed a Euro or World Cup win, even with their line-up of world quality players such as Luís Carlos Almeida da Cunha also known as Nani and Cristiano Ronaldo. Maybe this will change in Euro 2008.
The home games of the Selecção are mainly played in the following stadiums: FC Porto play in theEstádio do Dragão, Lisbon performs in the Estádio da Luz Benfica and Sporting Lisbon have Estádio José Alvalade. The Portuguese Football Federation or the Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (FPF) was founded nearly one hundred years ago in 1914. A few years later in1923 Portugal joined the joined the FPF the World Federation, and then in1954 they became part of FIFA and UEFA.
The biggest success that the Portuguese soccer A-team has ever accomplished was when they celebrated at the World Cup in 1966 in England, who won the title that year. Portugal managed respectable third position, sixties soccer star Eusébio scoring a massive nine goals in the championship.
The European Championship 2004 was a great success for Portugal. They also performed well at the European Football Championship in the summer of 1984, in France and at the European Football Championship during 2000 in Belgium and the Netherlands. At the World Cup 2006, the team included Luís Carlos Almeida da Cunha, Nani, Cristiano Ronaldo, but unfortunately they still could not make the magic happen and Portugal again managed a respectable placing, finishing in fourth position.
In the quarter-finals of the World Cup 2006 played in Germany, goalkeeper Ricardo performed magnificently in the penalty shootout against England. He now holds a Portuguese soccer record as the first goalkeeper ever to wear the jersey of the Portuguese soccer national team three times in the World Cup.
Cristiano Ronaldo is the Portuguese soccer star who plays for British club Manchester United, he holds the strange distinction that he was signed in secret by the club and the media were only alerted when the stock market became aware of the signing as part of their share dealings.
In the last twelve months, Nani joined his very good friend Ronaldo at Manchester United. The young player signed for a reported fee of £14.5 million from Sporting Lisbon in June 2007. He plays as a winger and has already featured for Manchester United a number of times this season, scoring the winning goal against Spurs. Nani is well known for celebrating a goal with his highly acrobatic somersaults worthy of an Olympic gymnast.
Virtual Teams - Creating The Foundation For Success
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The prevalence of virtual teams, teams which operate across geographic location, timezones and culture, continues to grow at an exponential pace.
Want to make sure your virtual team is built on a solid foundation for success? Here are some ingredients to consider:
1. Ensure a clear understanding of team member roles and responsibilities
As a virtual team, the need to clearly define roles and responsibilities becomes even more paramount than in face to face team environments. As a manager, or even team member, it is critical that team members (and managers) fully understand their roles and responsibilities, reporting relationships, as well as where roles and responsibilities overlap. If you are part of a virtual team, are you clear on this?
2. Negotiate matrix management relationships
A matrix management structure exists when a professional may be managed by two different managers, delineated often by projects they are involved with. Given the nature of virtual teams, individual members may often be part of a matrix management reporting process. It is quite common for virtual team members to report to face to face manager in their home location, as well as their main virtual team manager who may be in a different timezone or continent. If this is the case, it is often beneficial to have a three way discussion between both managers and the staff member, ensuring that everyone has a common understanding regarding who manages what, what reporting relationships exist, how work processes will be weighted and prioritized.
3. Equip team members with skills to work across differences
Given that virtual teams are often global in nature, or even cross-continental, it is important that cultural differences are understood. Staff should also be equipped with skills and tools to work with diversity. Differences may exist along several continuum, including varying priorities, language, as well as the concept of time and management approaches. Exploring individual cultural differences within the team can be an important process, as well as creating a "common ground" and ways of working for the team.
4. Create Opportunities for face-to-face interaction
The effectiveness of virtual teams can be greatly enhanced by budgeting and planning for face-to-face interaction at least once a year (preferably even more frequently).
A multi-day in person retreat can serve as a forum for getting to know each other and creating a shared vision for the team and its work. Other topics that may flow out of a session like this could be to discuss strategic directions, create a shared workplan, milestones,and a protocol for meetings and communication. The presence of trust is often noted as a condition for virtual team success.
5. Develop a Common Vision
A shared, common vision, understood by all virtual team members acts as an important anchor for decision making, accountability and results. There are a number of vision processes which can be undertaken, depending on the needs of the client. Developing this in a face-to-face session, at the start of the virtual team creation is ideal, although creating this mid-stream will also bring benefits to the team.
6. Create an Environment of Trust
The presence of trust within a virtual team is often cited by researchers as a condition for success. What can you do to foster trust within your team? What systems may need to be developed? What actions will build trust according to the different team members? Keep in mind that the concept of trust can mean different things to different generations, cultures and individuals.
7. Provide effective leadership for the team
Effective leadership for the team enables the foundation of the team to be further leveraged and built upon. Skills required by virtual team managers can differ from the skill sets of a face to face manager. Are you providing enough space for team members to do their jobs? Are you trying to micro-manage? Are you providing the resources that your team needs? Are you removing obstacles as they appear for the team? How are your influencing skills?
Virtual Teams can provide many opportunities for organizations, including the opportunity to leverage often multi-disciplinary professionals from a range of cultural, geographical and even generational employees. Which factors of success will you focus in on today?
World Cup Goalkeepers - Roberto Carlos Abbondanzieri
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Roberto Abbondanzieri, 33 years old, succeeded Pablo Cavallero as Argentina's number one after being given a chance by coach Jose Pekerman and has thrived in the spotlight since. Popularly known as El Pato or "The Duck", Abbondanzieri's professional debut took off in 1994 with Rosario Central, with whom he played until 1997. He then moved to Boca Juniors as their reserve goalkeeper. He trained in the shadow of Oscar Cordoba until February 2002 when Cordoba moved to Italian Perugia.
Abbondanzieri won the World Club Cup with Boca Juniors in 2000 and 2003. Since then, Abbondanzieri has become a permanent feature in Boca's goal and in June 2004, he became the goalkeeper for the Argentine team at the age of 31, which is quite unusual. As they say, it is better late than never.
On May 6, 2006, he was named as a definite squad member for the 2006 World Cup by Pekerman. Having represented the country on 19 occasions, Abbondanzieri has been a regular for Argentina over two years and was named the South American Goalkeeper of the Year in 2003.
Abbondanzieri has however, been hit earlier this year with a poor run and is hoping to put it behind him when he lines up for Argentina in the World Cup finals. At one point, the goalkeeping position of the Argentina squad had come to be viewed as the weak link in a side brimming with talented outfield players. Abbondanzieri said he has been in the national team for more than two years and never understood why the fans always went for the goalkeeper when there were other players and areas to analyze. This was made worse by the fact that he let in 6 goals in 2 warm-up matches against England and Croatia.
With such a negative perception, the pressure on Abbondanzieri must have been great. In such a situation, mental training is a must. For without such training, the confidence of anyone under such stress would surely be affected.
However, coach Pekerman has been reported saying that this was no longer the case and that Argentina would be going into the World Cup with a well-rounded team, capable of rising to the occasion. Abbondanzieri helped Boca Juniors win the Argentine Championship for the second year running in May this year.
World Cup Soccer Jerseys - Our Passion Shows
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Nothing says more about your passion for soccer
For serious, dedicated soccer (football) fans, world cup soccer jerseys say it loud and clear. Maybe you wear them, and maybe you just collect them. Maybe you do both? This is my country. This is my passion. This is my love.
Yes, we take this sport of soccer very seriously. We take it so seriously that our jersey is our most sacred possession. And how do you think we act when we can get an autograph on one? We will cherish and protect that jersey until death. But we most likely will not wear an autographed jersey.
Wear or Display?
Lots of us will wear our country's colors with pride. But some will both wear their colors and display them proudly in their home. That is why we will have several of them. What looks better in a display case in your tv room? NOTHING! And it is something that you can pass down through the generations of soccer lovers to come.
All national soccer teams that are involved in the world cup have jerseys available for their adoring fans. As the styles change, so do the offerings. There is always the home and away version. But never forget the alternate jerseys that are created. Short-sleeved and long-sleeved. Is it marketing? Of course part of it is. But we want it and that's that.
When someone sees you wearing your favorite jersey there is no way to mistake who you support. Your colors will say it for you. Most times loud, and always proud. It feels even better and makes you more proud when you can wear the jersey of your favorite star. Names like Beckham, Zidane, Ronaldo, and Ronaldinho come to mind.
Wherever your passion lies, show your support with one of the many world cup soccer jerseys that are out there.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Indoor Soccer Game Rules
As the days go by everything revolves with it. Many improvements come up in every aspect and soccer game is not exempted from it. One of the apparent improvements in soccer is the formation of its variety, indoor soccer, in which comes a new set of soccer rules.
These rules may differ in every prevailing soccer body but there are certain regulations that serve as a universal basis for the game that include:
Field shape, Size and Overall Arena Specifications
Indoor soccer arena may be basically oblong or rectangular in shape with artificial grass floors. In instances that it is being played in basketball courts, the floors of which were obviously a hardwood. Indoor soccer arena requires at least 6 feet tall walls that will cordon the ball when it comes out of bounds. Ceiling heights may vary. The field is basically 200 feet by 85 feet in size.
The goals were to be necessarily pressed on the wall to avoid budging when hit by the ball or any player who comes in contact with it. It also made smaller to contemplate with the size of the playing arena, same is true also with the penalty area.
Duration of the Game
Time is shortened in indoor soccer. Playing time in indoor soccer is played by quarters in which each quarter lasts for 15 minutes with a 3 minute interval between 1st and 2nd quarter, then another 3 minute interval between the 3rd and 4th quarter. Half-time is being marked by a 15 minute interval between the 2nd and 3rd quarter. If a tie happens after the 60 minute playing time is over, a 15 minute overtime extension is allowed until one of the team scores a goal.
Team Composition
Up to 6 players are allowed for each team including the goalie. Substitution is also allowed while the game is on provided the player to be substitutes must step out of the field first before the substitute comes in. Using of slide tackle is generally not permitted here.
These are only general rules regarding indoor soccer game. Other remaining rules may vary as what has been said earlier depending on the ruling body.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Daigo/Ryu VS Eita/Gouki-World Games Cup 2010- READ DESCRIPTION
World Cup Soccer Jerseys - Our Passion Shows
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Nothing says more about your passion for soccer
For serious, dedicated soccer (football) fans, world cup soccer jerseys say it loud and clear. Maybe you wear them, and maybe you just collect them. Maybe you do both? This is my country. This is my passion. This is my love.
Yes, we take this sport of soccer very seriously. We take it so seriously that our jersey is our most sacred possession. And how do you think we act when we can get an autograph on one? We will cherish and protect that jersey until death. But we most likely will not wear an autographed jersey.
Wear or Display?
Lots of us will wear our country's colors with pride. But some will both wear their colors and display them proudly in their home. That is why we will have several of them. What looks better in a display case in your tv room? NOTHING! And it is something that you can pass down through the generations of soccer lovers to come.
All national soccer teams that are involved in the world cup have jerseys available for their adoring fans. As the styles change, so do the offerings. There is always the home and away version. But never forget the alternate jerseys that are created. Short-sleeved and long-sleeved. Is it marketing? Of course part of it is. But we want it and that's that.
When someone sees you wearing your favorite jersey there is no way to mistake who you support. Your colors will say it for you. Most times loud, and always proud. It feels even better and makes you more proud when you can wear the jersey of your favorite star. Names like Beckham, Zidane, Ronaldo, and Ronaldinho come to mind.
Wherever your passion lies, show your support with one of the many world cup soccer jerseys that are out there.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Legends of Hockey - Bobby Orr
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Pool Billiards League Play - What League Do You Play?
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I titled this article Pool Billiards league play so it will be easy for someone who is searching either word to find this article.
I currently play on a BCA team once per week on Thursday nights and two APA teams, one on Tuesday and the other on Fridays.
The APA league is handicapped and we use the APA equalizer system. This comes into affect on Tuesday nights because it is a regular APA league. This league is 8 ball and my skill level is a 7. This is as high as it gets in 8 ball.
I played a guy ranked as a 3 this past Tuesday, which meant I had to win 6 games before he won 2 games. I had him down 3 to nothing when I cut a ball in the corner and accidentally kicked the 8 ball in with my cue ball. This put the heat on me and he was on the hill. I cruised through the next 2 games and he had a chance to beat me on the final game. Lucky for me he missed the ball before the 8 and I cleared the rack to win the match 6 to 1.
I am ranked a 9 in APA 9 ball, but I am not currently on a 9 ball team. What is your favorite Pool Billiards game?
Our Friday APA league is an all star league. This means that we all play heads up with no regard to skill level or handicaps. We play a combination of 8 ball and 9 ball and it is a race to 7. (First to win 7 games) The player who wins the lag at the beginning of the game chooses either the break on the first rack or which game is played first. (8 ball or 9 ball)
The Thursday BCA league is not handicapped and everyone plays heads up. This is an 8 ball league and 5 players take turns shooting one game each per set and we play 5 sets in a night. This past Thursday night I won 4 games and lost one in a long safety war. I had 2 break and runs from the 4 wins.
I would love to hear about league play in your home town and it would be cool to find out if you have a ranking system and what your skill level is. Drop me a line and let me know. Do you prefer to play pool or billiards heads up or is a handicap system better for you?
To Your Run Out Success,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Soccer Statistics - Importance of Soccer Statistics
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Soccer statistics are data gathered on previous to present results of the favorite sport in the world. It consists of game results, team rankings, player rankings, scores and many statistical data related to the sport.
The information gathered are archived and posted in various sports websites, RSS feed, newsgroups forums and also published with various sports magazines to update sports fans on the latest happenings and standings. Usually, these statistics are regularly updated every month or every year.
There are a lot of companies and organizations responsible in gathering these soccer statistics for publication. The International Federation of Football History and Statistics (IFFHS) were able to gather data and produced the Club World Ranking on a monthly basis. The rankings consist of one year events from continental and intercontinental from national leagues including the national cup results. Results of continental competitions are carefully evaluated depending on the importance. Only those organized competitions that are duly recognized by FIFA are included in the results of the statistics of IFFHS.
Gathering of statistics is of great importance in the sport in order to have a strong basis in identifying who among the leagues have made it on top. Leagues that were able to reach the ranks are given due recognition. The statistic results are also used by different leagues to provide them basis of their performance from the past to present so as to give them opportunities in planning and preparing for future events. These types of data become part of historical archived for the sport.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Itchyworms - Love Team
Friday, March 12, 2010
World Cup Tickets Are Within Reach!
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It's never too early to start planning your trip to see a 2010 World Cup Soccer match! In fact, the earlier you get started, the better. The pre-sold tickets are usually gone in a heartbeat, so the sooner you get the ball rolling the better your chances of getting to a game.
It's also notoriously tough to get a seat once you're at the game. Just think of how many people want that seat! You've got all the soccer fans of an entire COUNTRY vying for a spot to watch the game for real, so there's some very stiff competition.
The first step is to take a look at the schedule and decide which match you want to see. Naturally, they've already set tentative dates for most of the games. Check your team's website and see when they're scheduled to play. These dates are subject to change, of course, but at least you can get your ticket. You can always adjust your own schedule when the time gets closer!
One thing to keep in mind is that World Cup Soccer tickets are usually non-transferable, and they're pretty strict about seeing IDs. This means that you probably won't be able to get rid of the seats if it turns out you can't go.
Once you've decided where and when to go, you're ready to buy. Buying directly from teams or the soccer governing organization is a bit of a challenge. You're much better off reserving your seats online at one of the many sites that offer World Cup Tickets.
Buying tickets online can be a little sketchy, so here are some tips to make sure you're getting the real thing and not getting ripped off.
Look at customer comments and ratings. You can always check forums and other online communities related to World Cup Soccer and other sporting events. These sites will give you some idea of whether people have been happy with the company's service or not.
If they have a Better Business Bureau seal on their site, you can usually click it and get information about the company from the BBB. The BBB is your best source of information about a company, and you can always check up on them before you buy.
Only buy from companies that offer contact information on their websites. A phone number is always best, because this way you know that you can reach them if you need to. You might even call them beforehand and ask them a few questions about the ordering process. This will verify that they aren't just an order taking facility, but the actual company itself.
It's generally safest to buy tickets online using a major credit card. Credit card companies are buyer friendly, and if there is a problem, you can always reach someone and dispute the charges. With online only payment providers, the dispute process might not be so user friendly.
A bigger company isn't always better. Often, bigger ticket outlets run out faster than their smaller competitors. It's always a good idea to do lots of shopping around before you buy your ticket. You'll also find lots of variations in price.
It's time to start getting those 2010 World Cup Soccer tickets today! If you play your cards right, you'll be sitting right in the crowd watching your favorite team in 2010!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mexican Soccer League
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The Mexican soccer league has 18 teams. These soccer teams include America, Atlante, Atlas, Chivas De Guadalajara, Cruz Azul, Jaguares De Chiapas, Ciudad Juarez, Monterre, Morelia, Necaxa, Pachuca, Puebla- Pumas UNAM, San Luis, Santos Laguna, Tecos UAG, Tigres UANL and Toluca. Each of these teams can play ball like no other. Imagine the excitement and the thrill of football action. What is very notable about the league is that all the teams really fight to death for the title. In fact, it is so hard to tell who will win the championship since it is so rare for a team to become a champion for two consecutive years or more.
The 80 years of existence of the Mexico soccer teams has brought serious contenders in recent World Cups. Latinos have that burning passion in almost all of things and this character fuels their desire to develop that playing style which makes the game more than exciting. The World Cup has seen successful American countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay and this leads the Mexican soccer team to a burning desire to be the champion and refuse to stay behind their neighbouring countries.
Mexicans are so fond of soccer that even kids enjoy kicking soccer balls all year round in the streets. Other countries such as Argentina and Brazil do share this love for the soccer game. This unceasing fondness with this contact sport led to the emergence of legendary soccer players like Manuel and Felipe Rosas. It was the Mexican soccer league which provided the chance for these players to develop and hone their skills in the out field.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Insane artery soccer
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
"The League" Birthday Song (Jon Lajoie)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Fifa apple cup 2002 - top ten cool skills
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Soccer World Cup 2010 - The End of the World As We Know It?
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And the end shall not come in the form of a nuclear war, a meteor strike or the end of the age of oil. The horsemen of the apocalypse will not coming bringing war, death and famine. Instead, they shall come wearing national football shirts, and blowing on claxons. In 2010 the human race will be overwhelmed by the most horrific pestilence imaginable. Bury your TV in a concrete bunker twenty meters beneath the Earth's surface. Turn off your radio. World cup fever is coming.
It will begin with advertisements. The soccer boot ones are the worst. During the last epidemic conventions of advertising executives sat around and came up with adverts which always went somewhat along the line of 'make it humorous and include a cast of international soccer stars'.
So, in due course, we were served up with numerous commercials which featured Ronaldo, Beckham or the like in some situation where humour was strongly implied, but never actually present. By the end epidemic millions of otherwise normal people had laughed at jokes without punch-lines, footballers with wry smiles and institutes that studied footballinitis. Some were so badly damaged they went on to laugh at the Ellen Degeneres show.
In the end the humour level of the soccer adverts will prove to be little more than an annoying and recurring metaphor for the excitement of the tournament itself. Excitement will be strongly implied but rarely present. And as people file into soccer stadiums in their tens of thousands and millions sit before their TV screens, you'll be virtually forced to conclude that something momentous, dazzling and important is happening. And if you are not extremely strong willed and resilient you will cave in beneath the crushing wave of hype. And you will watch.
This will in turn have two possible outcomes. The first possibility is that you will spend a significant part of the next month watching twenty two experimental haircuts kicking a ball around a sports field in between soccer boot adverts. The second possibility is that you will realise within twenty minutes of the first half that what you are witnessing is as bewildering as watching fifty thousand people and dozens of television networks gathering to witness a cabbage soup cook-off. Such a realisation will hopefully result in your changing channels and/or turning your television off; in which case you're virtually assured of being spared the half-time soccer boot adverts.
Those of you unable to wrestle the remote from a friend or family member who has succumbed to the fever are likely to confront the following scenarios during the course of a match:
If you are fortunate, one or more of the twenty-two experimental haircuts present on the field will be successful in directing a soccer ball into the back of the opposition's goal. Should this happen you should feel extremely privileged.
It is far more likely that you will waste ninety minutes of your life sitting on the edge of your seat without anything of any consequence whatsoever occurring. This may lead to suicidal thoughts and a powerful urge to smash your television set.
At such times you should be patient, as possible compensation for the lack of action may come in the form of a riot as spectators respond to the lack of action by burning their seats and/or breaking their claxons over an opposition supporter's head.
Should you choose or be forced to continue watching the tournament, the next month will offer many strange and disturbing sights. Previous examples have included individuals voluntarily dressing up as chickens in the national colours of Paraguay, as well as adult spectators being reduced to tears when teams of complete strangers from within the same geo-political boundaries exited the tournament.
Unless you are an individual of extraordinary psychological fortitude, or have access to Lithium Carbonate, you should try every means available to avoid watching the final. This epiphany of nationalism, mass hysteria and unequivocal boredom can shut down all higher cerebral functions with the efficiency of weapons grade crack cocaine.
The subsequent condition is incurable, and may render one a permanent football fan prone to watching foreign league games and investing in those ubiquitous and non-redeemable shares in foreign clubs known as official shirts.
The only benefit of this neurological meltdown is that you will be able to watch the conclusion of the tournament with the kissing of the trophy, the unprovoked folk dances and the hideously childish desolation of the losing side without actually screaming in agony.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Tenerife | Away | By Inferno131
Friday, March 5, 2010
Soccer Tournaments in California - A Perfect Place For Soccer Events
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Soccer tournaments in California are numerous compared to other state in the country. It also boasts some of its top players in the sport. Among them are members of the renowned US National team like Joe Max More, Eric Wynalda, Lando Donovan and Brandi Chastain. Most of them spent their early career in California fields.
Because of the good weather with a 70 degree climate which can be experienced all throughout the year, California is a perfect place for sports competition and events as well as a great tourist destination for travelers.
One of the most prestigious soccer tournaments in California is the Surf Cup which is in San Diego. This tournament had attracted a lot of teams around the country. There are also other popular tournaments such as the Celtic Cup and the Nomads College Showcase.
Another one of the tournaments is the San Diego Pegasus Cup which is a class 1 tournament which is one of the largest events of its kind in the country. This is open to all members of US Club Soccer, Super Y League, USYSA and all teams affiliated with FIFA.
The Stockton Cup is another graceful event for the sport wherein different youth organizations for the sport compete with each other. The tournament is geared towards sportsmanship and camaraderie among the youth organization of the country.
Indeed, soccer tournaments in California are one of the most awaited sports events in the country in which a large number of teams participate. Many spectators also join the events to witness hard fought actions while enjoying the beautiful weather.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Mexican Soccer Teams - The Mexican National Soccer Team Achievements
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The Mexican soccer teams are consists of the best players in Mexico. Though they don't have as much trophies compared to the teams of Brazil and Argentina, the Mexican players are considered among the best when it comes to excellent strategies and techniques. The Mexican team still managed to prove their best and gained the respect of the millions of fans all over the world.
With the skills and hard work of the players, the Mexican soccer teams managed to win numerous achievements in the sport. Among the achievements of the Mexican team in the World Cup and other international tournament includes:
Mexico hosted the World Cup in 1970. They were able to make the lead when they were able to beat El Salvador and Belgium.
The 1986 World Cup was again hosted by Mexico. The Mexican team managed to make it on top when the win against Belgium, Iraq and Bulgaria.
The year 1990 had been a turning point for the team. They managed to win the 2nd place in the 1993 Copa America.
The 2002 World Cup is another success of the national team when they managed to make it to the finals.
The Mexican team had been actively participating different international competitions despite the fact that they only have a few winnings. For the Mexican team, it is not all about winning but the most important thing for them is the passion and love of the game.
Their high spirits remain and had continuously helped in promoting the beautiful sport to their countrymen.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
World Cup USA 94 (Italy VS Ireland)

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It was the summer of 1994 and the date was June 18, a day on which Italy would be playing its first world cup game against the Republic of Ireland. I for my part would be not only watching it but even present at "Giant's Stadium" in the Meadowlands as I had gone through the trouble of getting a ticket, not only to see Italy take on Ireland but Norway in the next match as well. Regarding the game against Norway that had been a relatively easy task as interest had not been so high given there are not as many Norwegian Americans in New York or New Jersey as there are Irish Americans in these states. I however had pulled it off and would be sitting at "Giant's Stadium" hopefully to watch Italy beat Ireland like they had done four years before in "Italia 90".
By then I; it being four years after the tragedy had fully recovered from having lost to Argentina on penalties in 1990 and even from not having qualified to the European Nations Cup in 1992, which thanks to the by then already disintegrated Soviet Union, Italy did not play in. This would basically be Italy's first competitive match in a major tournament since that night so long ago in Napoli, against Argentina. I mean after all who really counts a match for third place in any tournament as competitive.
Many had been the changes in Italy, now being coached by Arrigo Sacchi, the man who had made Milan invincible or practically and was expected to at least get to the final of USA 94. Roberto Baggio, had also become our star player after Italia 90, who surely would be starting every game; him even being considered by many at the time as arguably the greatest player of his generation, along with Brazil's Romario and Argentina's Batistuta. Italy, naturally also had other solid players, some of which were new to the team, such as Dino Baggio (no relation to Roberto), and Daniele Massaro, from AC Milan and Signori from Lazio.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Soccer Equipment - The Perfect Tools to Improve Your Game
When you have good soccer equipment nothing can keep you, or your squad, from improving. Unless you don't use it. After all, where would a great artist be without his paints, brush, and canvas?
When you pair the right soccer equipment with excellent soccer drills you can make great improvement of your talents, or the skills of your team. More talent, better results, Yes?
So let's check out...
What's out there?
When it comes to soccer training equipment there are many advanced tools to get the most out of any soccer player, and improve the level of skill.Soccer Balls!The game of soccer revolves around that perfectly round soccer ball. Soccer balls have different sizes based on the age level of the players that use them. They also differ in color scheme and design. We all know we need to increase our endurance to play soccer, but without ball skills you are just a runner.
Soccer Bags!An easy to carry bag for all those soccer balls is a good investment. Who likes having all those balls flying around in your vehicle?
And what about...
Carrying all of your soccer gear. Just find a great design and a bag that will set you apart, or show your support for your favorite soccer club. It's okay to be an individual while being a strong piece of your soccer team puzzle.
Improve Your Agility!You can improve this part of